Winter Weather Policies at Indian Creek Foundation

One thing we can always count on during a Pennsylvania winter is that we will definitely get some kind of winter precipitation. Sometimes it’s snow, sometimes it’s ice, and sometimes it’s a crazy mix. No matter what, it usually has an impact on how Indian Creek Foundation will operate for a few days.

Because we provide a variety of services to multiple populations, there is no set standard for everyone we serve. While we make a few full organization decisions, most of our departments will have a custom way to handle things when the weather gets wintry. Follow this guide for helpful information about what to expect when we get a snow or ice event.

Main Campus Delay and Closure Policies

The Indian Creek Foundation leadership team will typically begin discussing an upcoming forecast the night before the expected event. If necessary, they will schedule a call for very early the morning of and try to make a decision by 5:30 AM. Of course, when conditions change after we’ve already opened for the day, new decisions will be made.

Most of the time, the main campus staff will experience a delay until our parking lot can be cleared. If the staff can safely come in to take care of afternoon tasks, we may be able to serve our afternoon participants in Outpatient or Behavioral Health programs.

Our Day Program members have access to an announcement system that will notify them of a delayed opening or closure. If you need information about this system, please call the Day Services Director at 267-203-1500 ext. 345. We also communicate our plans to all of our transportation services. Day Program participants can always choose to stay home, or their transportation may cancel services for the day. If we open on a delay, and our day participants can make it in, we will look forward to enjoying the day’s activities with them.

Residential Program Member Weather Policies

Most of our residential participants choose to stay home during winter weather. Our staff has procedures for rescheduling medical and therapy appointments and will update the calendars. Sometimes, the medical providers choose to close even if we do not cancel appointments, and they will reach out to reschedule.

Whenever possible, we try to keep afternoon and late day appointments so that no one gets too far off schedule. If telehealth appointments are approved and an appropriate option, we may pivot to that alternative on a case by case basis.

Behavioral Health Services, After School Programs, and Outpatient Weather Plans

Behavioral health staff who visit participant homes will work directly with their supervisors and the families on their schedule to determine the safest course of action. The Outpatient Center will always try to remain open for afternoon and evening appointments. If this is not possible, telehealth may be an approved alternative. If telehealth is not possible, all appointments will be rescheduled.

After School Programs are most likely to be determined by what is happening at the local school district level. If school is closed, then school transportation is not available to bring students to the program. If we remain open and parents are available to bring students in for an After School Program, we will look forward to seeing them. If our main campus closes for the day, then After School Programs will be canceled.

Always Check the Website and Social Media

Because we serve so many different groups of participants, it’s difficult to develop a uniform policy. Always work with your most direct contact at Indian Creek Foundation to learn more about your program’s policy. We will keep our website and Facebook page updated to let you know if we are delayed or closing for the day. When in doubt, give us a call at 267-203-1500.

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