32nd Annual Roll, Stroll & Run Kicks Off the Summer at Indian Creek Foundation

Registration is officially open for the 2023 Roll, Stroll, & Run for Indian Creek Foundation, to be held on June 17th. Every year, our entire staff and ICF community looks forward to this fun day that is jam-packed with activities. The Roll, Stroll & Run is our largest fundraiser – both the highest attendance and highest amount raised – for the year. Our residents love to attend this event to catch up with old friends and hang out with their families. It’s also the fundraiser that involves most of our staff, Board members, and many family members as volunteers.

Some may remember the most recent development in our event, which was the addition of the 5k race. Prior to the 2016 event, the Roll & Stroll was a very leisurely day. A few runners expressed interest in adding a race that year and offered to help get that aspect organized. It was a big hit for the Roll & Stroll, so we kept the 5k run and added it to the name in 2017.

Today, we have 8 different ways to participate by either rolling, strolling, or running! In addition to that, we have options for general supporters who leave the walking, running, and biking to others but enjoy the activities and lunch portion of the day. There truly is something for everyone!

How the Roll, Stroll & Run Got Its Start

The very first edition of this fundraiser was called the “Tour de Assistance” and was launched by four men in the community who enjoyed cycling events and had a heart for Indian Creek Foundation. Joe Landis, former CEO of ICF, participated in some organized bike rides with Vernon Martin, Gene Kropf, and Leon Moyer. Leon was also Chair of the Board of Directors at the time. Noting the popularity of Philadelphia cycling events, and considering that many individuals in the disability community like bike riding, the men thought that a cycling fundraiser would be a great idea for the foundation.

Joe planned the event, and the other three men planned the bike route. They raised $12,000 that very first year and haven’t looked back. Today, the event is earning over $50,000 with up to 300 participants. The money raised is primarily used for repairs and updates in our Residential Services Program. Indian Creek Foundation operates 24 homes in the community, and they all need regular maintenance such as roof repairs, window replacements, appliance upgrades, hardscaping, and flooring. Additionally, as residents in a given home get older, it becomes necessary to make bathroom accessibility upgrades. The proceeds of the event are also used for general program needs.

Over the years, we have been thrilled to see many teams become a regular part of our annual event. We have built long-lasting relationships with businesses, families, church congregations, and social groups. It was one of these repeat teams from a regional church that supplied ICF with vital PPE supplies during the early days of the pandemic. We’re continually amazed at how this annual event grows relationships and community support for the mission of ICF.

What’s New for the 2023 Roll, Stroll & Run?

The June 17th, 2023 event is shaping up to be another great day. Our employees have all claimed their favorite volunteer spots, our Presenting Sponsors are booked, and registrations are pouring in. This year, we will bring back early packet pickup beginning on Thursday, June 15th. Our Beer Garden will be provided by Brass Collar Brewing Co, which will open soon in Souderton Borough. Of course, we’ll have our fun picnic lunch, moon bounce, and family games to keep everyone busy throughout the day.

New this year, we are welcoming Sound Sensation DJs to provide lively entertainment for participants. While you’re on the Cowpath Road campus, be sure to find one of our Board members who will be offering tours of the building.

If you’ve ever participated in the Roll, Stroll & Run before, you know there’s a certain flow to the day. We have multiple start times for each portion of the event, and people are making their way back to the campus at all different times. We don’t fill the day with too many announcements, other than to call the 5k winners, but we do hope to see many conversations between our supporters and those who are just learning about everything we do here at ICF.

This year, we’d like to encourage all participants to get into the spirit of fundraising with us. By telling your network of family, friends, and colleagues that you are raising funds for this vital community asset, you can extend the reach of support much farther than we ever could on our own. There will be some great prizes for team and individual fundraising milestones. Once you register, keep an eye out for opportunities to share your own personal or team fundraising page.

Thank you to our Presenting Sponsors for 2023, Brown & Brown Insurance, Univest, and Exude! To get registered for the Roll, Stroll & Run, visit the event page. It’s also not too late to volunteer or claim a sponsorship! Reach out to Beth Healy at 267-203-1500 ext. 205 for more information. We look forward to seeing you on June 17th for another great event!

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