Indian Creek is the Highlight of our Week: Jahdia’s Story

When parents first realize that their child is functioning differently than what is expected for their age, they can quickly become overwhelmed with worry. While this is natural, as every parent just wants their child to be healthy, these worries can quickly lead to frustration. The good news is that childhood development has grown as an area of study and research in recent decades, so medical professionals are better equipped than ever before to evaluate children and make referrals to specialists.

Jahdia is a second grader who receives behavioral therapy services through Indian Creek Foundation, and her story is just one of many examples of how Indian Creek Foundation becomes a welcome resource at a time of uncertainty for families.

From a Young Age Something was Different

Jahdia’s mom, Jen, noticed that from a very young age, Jahdia was not developing in a typical way. She had speech issues, was clenching her fists, struggled with fine motor skills, and found it difficult to communicate. Jahdia was able to receive services through the Montgomery County Intermediate Unit, which was a great start for their family.

Jen continued to explore what additional services and therapies might be available to help Jahdia advance her skills. She also hoped to discover education opportunities for herself and Jahdia’s dad so that they could provide continuous support for Jahdia at home.

Indian Creek Resources Help Child and Family Thrive

Jen found Indian Creek Foundation on social media and was thrilled to see that we are in Souderton where her family also lives. Jahdia enrolled in behavioral health services to include Applied Behavioral Analysis (ABA) therapy at home, our Therapeutic After School Program, and our Summer Therapeutic Activities Program. Indian Creek Foundation also offers support services for parents, and our clinicians work directly with parents to transfer skills so that the family can thrive as a cohesive unit.

Jen said that Jahdia considers Indian Creek days to be the highlight of her week. She is excited to work with her clinicians and see her friends at the after school program. Currently, Jahdia is working with Dixie Andrus, an ABA Clinician, for in-home therapy. For 90 minutes, Dixie and Jahdia engage in conversation, read books, concentrate on language and communication skills, enjoy laughing together, practice social skills and manners, and stretch Jahdia’s abilities to the next level.

Through her services with Indian Creek, as well as other providers, Jahdia has gained a lot of confidence, makes eye contact, communicates well, enjoys socializing, and is doing well academically. Jen appreciates that the clinicians have helped her learn how to read an Individualized Education Program (IEP), communicate effectively with Jahdia, follow through consistently on behavior expectations, and recognize the beauty of being different. She appreciates the staff at Indian Creek for being kind, professional, friendly, and always happy to answer questions.

Early Intervention is a Service to Your Child

Jen’s advice to any parent who is first facing the worrisome evidence that their child might need early intervention is to start asking questions. She believes it is a service to one’s child, not a hindrance, to seek and accept help. She feels that the earlier a parent reaches out for help, the more success their child will have in growing and developing with confidence.

Most importantly, Jen would encourage other parents that attitude is everything, and she always says, “My daughter is watching me.” Even though life will be tough, we are who we are for a reason, and we should make the best of that.

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