Day Services Program
Indian Creek Foundation provides a wide array of services to individuals in the community with intellectual disabilities, developmental disabilities, or autism. We have on-site professionals who assist individuals at varying levels of ability. Our Outpatient Center and Day Services Programs provide vital resources and support to families and individuals in Montgomery and Bucks Counties.
Day Services Program
Indian Creek Foundation’s Day Services program provides individualized programming and support to each participant as they explore options for making connections to their community.
We engage our participants in activities designed to help them explore potential careers, volunteerism, and opportunities for ongoing adult learning. We partner with local organizations and businesses to provide options for each individual to learn a new hobby, explore cultural interests, or receive training to advocate for themselves.
Day Services Program participants are comprised of individuals living within the community and within our Residential Services. Participants attend the program up to 5 days per week and enjoy an interactive schedule of games, art, crafts, small group learning, theme days, Tai Chi, Music Therapy, and Chapel. Individuals participate at their own level of comfort and ability, and Direct Support Professionals assist as needed. Zoom participation in Day Services Programs is welcome to accommodate an individual’s schedule or health needs.
Visit our blog to read more about Day Services activities.
Referrals and Admissions
Day Services are flexible and can be tailored to support each individual’s personal outcomes. For more information, contact the Director of Day Services at 267-203-1500 ext. 345.

Adult Day Services Center
Indian Creek Foundation's Day Services Program provides Community Participation Supports designed to help each individual explore their unique place in the community. Our staff provides guidance and support that allows each participant to work towards maximizing their potential to become productive, contributing members of the community. When we are not in the community, we provide activities in our facility designed to enhance each individual’s quality of life in a safe, caring, and stimulating environment. Participants may also receive pre-vocational training and support if they are interested in exploring employment. This service is funded by a Medical Assistance Waiver. Contact your Supports Coordinator to arrange for a referral to our program.

Older Adult Daily Living Center
Our Older Adult Daily Living Center (OADLC) provides day services to individuals aged 60 and older. Many individuals have decided to retire from work or traditional day services, yet still want to remain as active as possible. In this program, we provide facility based activities and programming aimed at maintaining the individual’s functional skills in order to promote healthy outcomes, personal growth, and enhanced self esteem. Options for community based activities are also offered to those individuals who are interested in remaining active and contributing to their community. This service is funded by a Medical Assistance Waiver, and private pay options are also available. Contact your Supports Coordinator to arrange for a referral to our program.