Chapel at Indian Creek Foundation: Reflection is Good for the Soul

Twice a week, our Day Services Program members welcome our Indian Creek Foundation Pastor, John Hank, to lead a Chapel service. Because of our long history of partnership with the local Mennonite churches, it is important to ICF’s philosophy to maintain the values of compassion, relationship, and service. Chapel reminds us of these values and allows our staff and participants to pause for reflection and good food for the soul.

Chapel at Indian Creek Foundation is an ecumenical service held in our Day Room, with several participants joining on Zoom from home. We open our time with warm greetings between Pastor John and our participants, and then roll into some opening songs. Everyone is welcome to participate at their own level of ability and comfort. This means that some individuals use hand motions or stand up to sing, while others may choose to simply listen.

A Simple Message with Meaningful Impact

Following our time of singing and getting connected, Pastor John shares a message. Beginning with a relatable topic – Philadelphia sports teams for example – he builds the theme of his focus for the day. Pastor John’s messages are simple and easy to digest, and each one centers on a value. Interpersonal relationships, sharing, perseverance, supporting friends, maintaining a positive outlook, and coping with hard days are all topics that Pastor John is likely to cover in his time with our participants.

Pastor John leaves room for a bit of interaction during Chapel time. Many of our participants enjoy sharing their own thoughts about what is happening in the world and in their own lives. It is a great atmosphere of sharing and community, while reflecting on our place in the world and with each other. As a staff member, Pastor John remains available to our participants for private counsel and conversation. His pastoral care is a vital aspect of maintaining our commitment to supporting our participants in a holistic manner.

Learn More About Day Programs at Indian Creek Foundation

Indian Creek Foundation serves adults with disabilities Monday through Friday in our Day Services Program. Our participants enjoy programming that is individualized to support their goals. We work closely with participants and their families to help them achieve their own desired outcomes. For more information on our Day Services Program, call 267-203-1500 ext. 132. To speak with our Pastor, call 267-203-1500 ext. 353.

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